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giving tree
Giving Tree Program

Our annual Giving Tree Program is quickly approaching! 

Mark your calendars! 

December 6th:  K-2nd Grade  8-9am 

                     3rd-5th Grade, REACH/COMM  9:30-10:30am

Giving Tree RSVP Link

Class Holiday Parties
Class Holiday Parties

Kindergarten - Friday December 20th - 10am

1st Grade - (Bailey & Baldwin) Wednesday December 18th - 11:30am

1st Grade - ( Dittus, Johnston & McGowan) Thursday December 19th  - 11:30am

2nd Grade - Thursday December 19th  - 9:30am

3rd Grade - Wednesday December 18th - 9:30am

4th Grade - Friday December 20th - 9am

5th Grade - Friday December 20th - 11am

REACH / COMM - Friday December 20th - 10am

Teachers will sending RSVP links! Please be on the lookout!


Holiday Break

December 23-January 3

Monday, January 6th:  Digital Learning Day 

Martin Luther King Jr. Day: No School

There will be no school on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. 

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